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Tuesday, 1 October 2013

returning home

Two days after returning from my Europe adventures (photos are still looming in my editing pile) my room mates and a few friends from college crammed our cars and headed over to Moreton Island for a weekend of camping. Out of the seven girls, I think about two of us had previous camping experience.  But with some help from youtube and some awesome hammering skills we set up camp and walked a few metres to the beach. We soaked in the sun, we chased whales, we watched the sun disappear into the ocean, we roasted marshmallows and drank beer. 

After travelling to eight countries in eight weeks, I can still be stunned by the beauty of Australia and look at it like it's the first time I'm seeing it. I always feel like a foreigner here. Returning home restored this appreciation of just how beautiful my country, my home and my friends really are. 

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